Fidelity Investments Money Market Treasury Only Portfolio - Class IV


7-day Yield
as of 10/4/2024
Net assets
Expense ratio
Holding details
100% Treasuries
as of 8/31/2024


Portfolio Securities

US Treasury Bill, UST BILLS 0% 10/10/20244.74%10.60%
US Treasury Bill, UST BILLS 0% 09/19/20244.29%7.03%
US Treasury Bill, UST BILLS 0% 10/01/20244.62%6.45%
US Treasury Bill, UST BILLS 0% 10/22/20244.84%6.18%
US Treasury Bill, UST BILLS 0% 10/03/20244.64%5.85%
US Treasury Bill, UST BILLS 0% 09/10/20243.40%5.80%
US Treasury Bill, UST BILLS 0% 09/12/20243.70%5.80%
US Treasury Bill, UST BILLS 0% 09/03/20240.00%5.59%
US Treasury Bill, UST BILLS 0% 10/08/20244.71%5.03%
US Treasury Bill, UST BILLS 0% 09/26/20244.53%4.56%
US Treasury Bill, UST BILLS 0% 09/17/20244.17%3.19%
US Treasury Bill, UST BILLS 0% 10/24/20244.85%2.58%
US Treasury Bill, UST BILLS 0% 10/15/20244.77%2.49%
US Treasury Bill, UST BILLS 0% 10/31/20244.88%2.20%
US Treasury Bill, UST BILLS 0% 09/05/20241.78%2.03%
US Treasury Bill, UST BILLS 0% 12/31/20244.91%1.95%
US Treasury Bill, UST BILLS 0% 02/27/20254.80%1.93%
US Treasury Bill, UST BILLS 0% 11/14/20244.89%1.84%
US Treasury Bill, UST BILLS 0% 12/03/20244.86%1.83%
US Treasury Notes, UST NOTES USBMMY3M+15 04/30/20265.28%1.56%
US Treasury Bill, UST BILLS 0% 10/29/20244.88%1.53%
US Treasury Bill, UST BILLS 0% 11/26/20244.91%1.53%
US Treasury Bill, UST BILLS 0% 11/29/20244.91%1.51%
US Treasury Bill, UST BILLS 0% 09/24/20244.47%1.49%
US Treasury Bill, UST BILLS 0% 12/24/20244.89%1.45%
US Treasury Bill, UST BILLS 0% 12/17/20244.89%1.41%
US Treasury Notes, USTN 3MB+20 01/31/20255.22%1.32%
US Treasury Notes, UST NOTES 3MB+18.2 07/31/20265.29%1.19%
US Treasury Bill, UST BILLS 0% 10/17/20244.78%1.14%
US Treasury Bill, UST BILLS 0% 11/19/20244.90%1.14%
US Treasury Notes, UST NOTES USBMMY3M+24.5 01/31/20265.28%1.12%
US Treasury Bill, UST BILLS 0% 11/12/20244.87%0.98%
US Treasury Bill, UST BILLS 0% 01/02/20254.81%0.92%
US Treasury Bill, UST BILLS 0% 11/21/20244.91%0.89%
US Treasury Notes, UST NOTES 3MB+17 10/31/20255.26%0.86%
US Treasury Bill, UST BILLS 0% 12/12/20244.80%0.65%
US Treasury Bill, UST BILLS 0% 11/07/20244.88%0.61%
US Treasury Bill, UST BILLS 0% 12/10/20244.86%0.57%
US Treasury Bill, UST BILLS 0% 11/05/20244.87%0.44%
US Treasury Notes, USTN 3MB+14 10/31/245.21%0.27%